Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Joe Pesci was burned on "Home Alone 2," adding to a history of injured actors toughing it out on set

I mean, if I saw a spider of that size, I’d probably want to kill it too, but with how hard Marv hits Harry, there are surely going to be some broken ribs. And honestly, if the hit was hard enough, Marv could have easily punctured a lung as well if the rib breaks into it. Pesci toldPeoplehe did have stuntpeople for "the real heavy stunts," but still dealt with "bumps, bruises, and general pains." This is the first time Pesci has publicly spoken of being burned by the flaming hat gag. In both films, McCallister unloads a world of pain on the criminals, Harry and Marv, the latter played by Daniel Stern. While stunt doubles were used for many scenes, Pesci said that some of the ones he did commit to were quite painful – namely, his head being set on fire. Although both bandits are dimwitted, Harry is often the brains of their team.

harry home alone burned head

Harry and Marv finally realize that Kevin was also in New York after seeing the McCallister name on the back of the bag Kevin wore after leaving Duncan's Toy Chest. They chased him down the street, but were tripped up when Kevin broke some necklaces, stripping the pearls off. Coming back the next morning, Harry sent Marv to investigate the house, knowing something was up since the house seemed completely vacant, despite the uproaring event the night before. As he returned to Harry, a shaken Marv told Harry of the situation, and Harry saw it as an opportunity to turn in a murderer and avoid sentencing for their own crimes. Usually I’d place this as number one but at some careful analysis, the only reason I put this Home Alone 2 moment at two is because it is possible to survive getting electrocuted. I’m not sure of how much voltage was passing through his body but he would probably have enough electricity in him to power a home when that trap was done.

Hard Metal Pipe To The Head (Home Alone

Sometime in the mid-2010s, Harry's old friend Marv Murchins sent Harry a distress message from a darkened room, as Marv was terrified of the return of Kevin McCallister, who had recently taken a bloodthirsty vendetta against all home invaders. Harry Lyme was a burglar who, along with Marv Murchins, forming the "Wet Bandits" (later the Sticky Bandits"), twice had their plans foiled by Kevin McCallister. Harry later attempted to break into the McCallister home again years later, but Kevin deterred him with the Google Assistant.

harry home alone burned head

After burning his right hand on the heated doorknob the letter "M" is visible on the hand and in New York also. As a burglar, Harry is shown to be more professional than Marv, arranging the thefts, casing the joints and having the say on what actions to take. Since he is 'the brains' he often does little of the thieving himself and let's Marv do the leg work, but will get his hands dirty when needed, like during the toystore heist. While he tries to keep more of a low profile and subtle style than Marv, he's not much more subtle than him, happy to cause destruction and hamfistdly grabbing swag or money as quickly as he can. This top five was so hard to make considering these are all horrible things to happen, but we’re starting out with this one.

Harry Lyme

And though we laugh at the antics of the bumbling Harry and Marv, and marvel at their bodies somehow surviving all the abuse doled out by a conniving Kevin, this Christmas, it will be hard to look at the burning hat of "Home Alone 2" exactly the same way again. Tom Hanks got a staph infection, which could haveturned deadly, from a cut on "Cast Away." Halle Berry broke two ribs filming "Bruised" when kicked by her co-star, a real MMA fighter. Natalie Portman dislocated a rib during "Black Swan."Isla Fishernearly drowned in a scene for "Now You See Me," in part because everyone on set thought she was just acting. In a new interview withPeople, in celebration of the 30th anniversary of "Home Alone 2," Pesci admits he did suffer "serious burns to the top of my head during the scene where Harry's hat is set on fire."

harry home alone burned head

Harry and Marv then planned to put Kevin through the same torturous injuries that he put them through, but Harry would bite off all of Kevin's fingers, one at a time. However, just as he was about to do so, he and Marv were knocked out by Kevin's neighbor, Marley. As the police drove the bandits away, Harry glared at Kevin through his window. Today, we are talking about the top ten seriously bad or fatal injuries that Marv and Harry received. In the first movie, his character opens a door to the McCallister's home and a blow torch is activated, setting his beanie on fire.

Just how dangerous was the "Home Alone 2" set? Maybe not as rough as "Kill Bill"

I know that many people will probably think this isn’t that bad of an injury, but hear me out. At that speed, that could actually cause serious ruptures to happen to the testicular area, and probably cause some issues for his little swimmers down there. He would need serious medical attention if he wanted to -- cough -- use them again at some point.

harry home alone burned head

As they drove up past a church, Harry, assumed Kevin went in, but not wanting to go into the church himself, gave up the search. Kevin turned out to be hiding in a nativity scene as a hooded shepherd, and he returned home, afterward. Harry finally manages to get Peter McCallister's attention and informed him that the police were checking houses around the neighborhood to make sure that everyone was taking the proper precautions against burglaries. Peter told Harry that they had locks on their doors and automatic timers for their lights. Harry started to ask Peter when his family would be leaving, but before he could, Peter was pulled into the kitchen by his oldest son, Buzz, to eat pizza.

As the police arrived to re-arrest Harry and Marv, Harry continuously kicked Marv for rambling to the police about their schemes. On Christmas Eve, while Harry and Marv robbed Duncan's Toy Chest, Kevin knocked on the window, took a photo, and threw a brick through the window, setting off an alarm. Marv and Harry both unknowingly jumped onto a plank and trash can set up as a makeshift see-saw which sent Harry flying through the air and landing on top of a car. A year later after spending nine months in prison, Harry and Marv escaped during a riot and soon arrived in New York while stowed away on a fish truck. They also acquired a revolver and street clothes, possibly by stealing them from the truck driver. The duo planned on getting a hold of false passports and hiding out in "some foreign country".

Unknowingly, Kevin bumped into Harry passing through a large group of pedestrians. Harry looked and thought he recognized Kevin, but Kevin had disappeared into the crowd before Harry could get a second glance. "It was way beyond what someone needs to do to make a movie," Burstyn said of "The Exorcist." He's far from the only actor to be injured while filming, but he's also not the only one to stay silent for a time. As an adult rewatching "Home Alone 2," you realize the robbers would never survive. "It's Christmastime and there's always a lot of burglaries around the holidays so we're just checking the neighborhood to see if everyone's taking proper precautions."

Harry’s Hand Is Burned To A Crisp (Home Alone)

Not only does the cement bag pick up speed as it’s hurdling down into the basement, it hits Marv completely on the head. Given the weight of it, his neck would likely snap in an instant, along with his spine. Near the end of Home Alone, Marv sees Buzz's Tarantula on Harry's chest and proceeds to beat hit him with a crowbar in an effort to kill it.

harry home alone burned head

As shown in the first movie, when he gets security intel from the McCallister family disguised as a policeman. While he can be calm when the situation calls for it, he is shown to have a short temper. When said temper flairs too much or he gets hurt in a painful way imaginable, he's often reduced to swearing under his breath and speaking in gibberish. While he prefers to talk his way out of situations, he has no trouble resorting to violence should he find it necessary or if he gets angry enough.

If he somehow survived getting his head literally burned apart , he would never be the same. In the film, Pesci as Harry doesn't notice his burning head at first. He looks around, curious, exploring, as the flames shoot from the top of him like a human Roman candle.

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