Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Joe Pesci was burned on "Home Alone 2," adding to a history of injured actors toughing it out on set

I mean, if I saw a spider of that size, I’d probably want to kill it too, but with how hard Marv hits Harry, there are surely going to be some broken ribs. And honestly, if the hit was hard enough, Marv could have easily punctured a lung as well if the rib breaks into it. Pesci toldPeoplehe did have stuntpeople for "the real heavy stunts," but still dealt with "bumps, bruises, and general pains." This is the first time Pesci has publicly spoken of being burned by the flaming hat gag. In both films, McCallister unloads a world of pain on the criminals, Harry and Marv, the latter played by Daniel Stern. While stunt doubles were used for many scenes, Pesci said that some of the ones he did commit to were quite painful – namely, his head being set on fire. Although both bandits are dimwitted, Harry is often the brains of their team.

harry home alone burned head

Harry and Marv finally realize that Kevin was also in New York after seeing the McCallister name on the back of the bag Kevin wore after leaving Duncan's Toy Chest. They chased him down the street, but were tripped up when Kevin broke some necklaces, stripping the pearls off. Coming back the next morning, Harry sent Marv to investigate the house, knowing something was up since the house seemed completely vacant, despite the uproaring event the night before. As he returned to Harry, a shaken Marv told Harry of the situation, and Harry saw it as an opportunity to turn in a murderer and avoid sentencing for their own crimes. Usually I’d place this as number one but at some careful analysis, the only reason I put this Home Alone 2 moment at two is because it is possible to survive getting electrocuted. I’m not sure of how much voltage was passing through his body but he would probably have enough electricity in him to power a home when that trap was done.

Hard Metal Pipe To The Head (Home Alone

Sometime in the mid-2010s, Harry's old friend Marv Murchins sent Harry a distress message from a darkened room, as Marv was terrified of the return of Kevin McCallister, who had recently taken a bloodthirsty vendetta against all home invaders. Harry Lyme was a burglar who, along with Marv Murchins, forming the "Wet Bandits" (later the Sticky Bandits"), twice had their plans foiled by Kevin McCallister. Harry later attempted to break into the McCallister home again years later, but Kevin deterred him with the Google Assistant.

harry home alone burned head

After burning his right hand on the heated doorknob the letter "M" is visible on the hand and in New York also. As a burglar, Harry is shown to be more professional than Marv, arranging the thefts, casing the joints and having the say on what actions to take. Since he is 'the brains' he often does little of the thieving himself and let's Marv do the leg work, but will get his hands dirty when needed, like during the toystore heist. While he tries to keep more of a low profile and subtle style than Marv, he's not much more subtle than him, happy to cause destruction and hamfistdly grabbing swag or money as quickly as he can. This top five was so hard to make considering these are all horrible things to happen, but we’re starting out with this one.

Harry Lyme

And though we laugh at the antics of the bumbling Harry and Marv, and marvel at their bodies somehow surviving all the abuse doled out by a conniving Kevin, this Christmas, it will be hard to look at the burning hat of "Home Alone 2" exactly the same way again. Tom Hanks got a staph infection, which could haveturned deadly, from a cut on "Cast Away." Halle Berry broke two ribs filming "Bruised" when kicked by her co-star, a real MMA fighter. Natalie Portman dislocated a rib during "Black Swan."Isla Fishernearly drowned in a scene for "Now You See Me," in part because everyone on set thought she was just acting. In a new interview withPeople, in celebration of the 30th anniversary of "Home Alone 2," Pesci admits he did suffer "serious burns to the top of my head during the scene where Harry's hat is set on fire."

harry home alone burned head

Harry and Marv then planned to put Kevin through the same torturous injuries that he put them through, but Harry would bite off all of Kevin's fingers, one at a time. However, just as he was about to do so, he and Marv were knocked out by Kevin's neighbor, Marley. As the police drove the bandits away, Harry glared at Kevin through his window. Today, we are talking about the top ten seriously bad or fatal injuries that Marv and Harry received. In the first movie, his character opens a door to the McCallister's home and a blow torch is activated, setting his beanie on fire.

Just how dangerous was the "Home Alone 2" set? Maybe not as rough as "Kill Bill"

I know that many people will probably think this isn’t that bad of an injury, but hear me out. At that speed, that could actually cause serious ruptures to happen to the testicular area, and probably cause some issues for his little swimmers down there. He would need serious medical attention if he wanted to -- cough -- use them again at some point.

harry home alone burned head

As they drove up past a church, Harry, assumed Kevin went in, but not wanting to go into the church himself, gave up the search. Kevin turned out to be hiding in a nativity scene as a hooded shepherd, and he returned home, afterward. Harry finally manages to get Peter McCallister's attention and informed him that the police were checking houses around the neighborhood to make sure that everyone was taking the proper precautions against burglaries. Peter told Harry that they had locks on their doors and automatic timers for their lights. Harry started to ask Peter when his family would be leaving, but before he could, Peter was pulled into the kitchen by his oldest son, Buzz, to eat pizza.

As the police arrived to re-arrest Harry and Marv, Harry continuously kicked Marv for rambling to the police about their schemes. On Christmas Eve, while Harry and Marv robbed Duncan's Toy Chest, Kevin knocked on the window, took a photo, and threw a brick through the window, setting off an alarm. Marv and Harry both unknowingly jumped onto a plank and trash can set up as a makeshift see-saw which sent Harry flying through the air and landing on top of a car. A year later after spending nine months in prison, Harry and Marv escaped during a riot and soon arrived in New York while stowed away on a fish truck. They also acquired a revolver and street clothes, possibly by stealing them from the truck driver. The duo planned on getting a hold of false passports and hiding out in "some foreign country".

Unknowingly, Kevin bumped into Harry passing through a large group of pedestrians. Harry looked and thought he recognized Kevin, but Kevin had disappeared into the crowd before Harry could get a second glance. "It was way beyond what someone needs to do to make a movie," Burstyn said of "The Exorcist." He's far from the only actor to be injured while filming, but he's also not the only one to stay silent for a time. As an adult rewatching "Home Alone 2," you realize the robbers would never survive. "It's Christmastime and there's always a lot of burglaries around the holidays so we're just checking the neighborhood to see if everyone's taking proper precautions."

Harry’s Hand Is Burned To A Crisp (Home Alone)

Not only does the cement bag pick up speed as it’s hurdling down into the basement, it hits Marv completely on the head. Given the weight of it, his neck would likely snap in an instant, along with his spine. Near the end of Home Alone, Marv sees Buzz's Tarantula on Harry's chest and proceeds to beat hit him with a crowbar in an effort to kill it.

harry home alone burned head

As shown in the first movie, when he gets security intel from the McCallister family disguised as a policeman. While he can be calm when the situation calls for it, he is shown to have a short temper. When said temper flairs too much or he gets hurt in a painful way imaginable, he's often reduced to swearing under his breath and speaking in gibberish. While he prefers to talk his way out of situations, he has no trouble resorting to violence should he find it necessary or if he gets angry enough.

If he somehow survived getting his head literally burned apart , he would never be the same. In the film, Pesci as Harry doesn't notice his burning head at first. He looks around, curious, exploring, as the flames shoot from the top of him like a human Roman candle.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

How to Set Up the Google Home Mini

She has been working for Guiding Tech since 2017 and has around five years of experience writing features, how-tos, buying guides, and explainers. Previously she worked as an IT Analyst at TCS, but she found her calling elsewhere. You can start off by saying, “Hey Google, let me talk to Akinator” and start answering its set of questions. This conveniently replaces the process of reaching out for your phone, searching for the timer and then setting it manually. To add a shortcut, simply tap on the Plus icon on your Google Home app and add your short phrases.

However, you’ll first need to link your Netflix account. In terms of functionality, the Home Mini and Nest Mini are identical. They answer all the same queries and commands, and they work with all of the same devices and apps. Unlike the Home Mini, the Nest Mini comes with a built-in wall mount. It also provides better sound, with improved bass response, although the physical speakers in both devices use 40mm drivers. Nest is a company that Google purchased and folded into their own line of smart devices.

The NandBug System

The content and structure of the NAND Flash will need to be understood. A exploit could be needed to bypass the secure boot. It's reducing the likelihood I can still discover something to exploit in it to bypass the secure boot on a Google Home Mini. Below are the specifications for Google Nest and Home speakers and displays . Join the Public Preview to try new Google Home app features early.

google home mini training

To add a music service to your Nest Mini's list of preferences, follow these steps on the Google Home app. Even if the Nest Mini is one of the best Smart speakers available right now and most of its features are pretty useful, sometimes, the device may get on your nerves. Now you can play music from your favorite music streaming app on all your Nest devices. But make sure you have all the speakers connected to the same network for this feature to work. But for the feature to work, you will need your phone and the Nest device to be connected to the same network. Also, the phone should be within striking distance from the router.

Listening to music

The pages addresses and data are received from the FT2232H using the Sync FIFO Mode. This bitstream implements a simple FSM that will read all pages of the NAND Flash one by one and stream them to the FT2232H using the Sync FIFO Mode. This section gives some information concerning the software and gateware architecture behind NandBug.

While all the executable data is apparently verified, having a total control on all the NAND Flash data does open a rather large attack surface. Extracting files from this image is just a matter of running the unsquashfs command. Overall, I'm quite happy with how NandBug is working.

Voice Match With Google

And as the name suggests, it is ideal for family events and activities. In the Home app dashboard, click and open the Add icon on the top left. You can also make the Nest Mini recognize individual voices by training the Google Assistant to do so. Let's start with how to make the Nest Mini recognize multiple members. You can also broadcast messages even while away from the Nest Mini by using the Google Home app.

Then proceed to select the devices you would like to add to the Group. To set up a Family bell, follow these steps on the Home app. Broadcast messaging is Google's way of group messaging with other Nest devices. The only requisite is to connect all the Nest devices to the same wireless network. Speak the words, and you shall have a shopping list in your hands in no time.

Read Next

The simple file utility can be used against this image to reveal it's in fact a Squashfs filesystem. Please note the Kernel version, sources, initramfs and init.rc file will be useful in the second part of this series of article. The Linux Kernel version and compilation timestamp can be extracted from strings present in the binary data.

google home mini training

Pin your favorite devices to your home view to see multiple camera live streams right when you open the app. I personally find this combination of a FT2232H and ICE40HX1K-TQ144 to be quite interesting and versatile. However, please note that using both the SPI mode and Synchronous FIFO mode of the FT2232H requires adding a EEPROM to the BOM. This EEPROM contains configuration data for the FT2232H and can sometimes be omitted.

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In the Home tab, click and open the User icon on the top right corner of the app. After the initial excitement using the Google Assistant, one will grow weary of the necessity to start any command with the "Hey Google" trigger. Another nifty feature that lets you, the user, converse with the Google Assistant without needing to speak "Hey Google" every time is the Continued Conversation feature. Follow these instructions on the Google Home app to achieve the said feature. In the Home tab, click and open the Profile icon on the top right corner of the app. It is very similar to a broadcast message, minus the instant nature of the broadcast message since it requires setting up beforehand.

Depending on the routine you have selected, a trigger may be needed to start the routine. You could also create custom triggers, as I've mentioned above. To make a custom routine, go to the Routines tab and click on the "+" icon near the bottom of the screen. Choose the devices on which the Family Bell should play.

Google Home Mini has arrived heres what you can do with it

The Nest Mini is slightly smaller than the Home Mini, but the difference is minute enough that it barely matters. The Nest Mini also comes in slightly different colors. The touch controls and LED indicators are identical. Home Entertainment Whether you want to build your own home theater or just learn more about TVs, displays, projectors, and more, we've got you covered. Lifewire EV EVs have been around a long time but are quickly gaining speed in the automotive industry.

It appears that for each page, the OOB section is filled with a 90 bytes chunk of data. The first thing to note is that the way the data is written to a NAND Flash is somewhat special. Each page contains data and a special section called OOB, the out-of-bound section. Thanks to NandBug, it's now possible to easily dump the entire content of the NAND Flash. However, before even thinking of patching the firmware, making full sense of this dump is needed.

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It could maybe have been useful to find interesting TOCTOU bugs in the secure boot implementation. Apart from attempting to run my own code of the Google Home, I guess this solution could also be used to keep track of all firmware updates performed by Google. Indeed, it's possible to let the device run normally for an extended period of time while dumping the entire flash content from time to time. Desoldering and soldering it back is easier said than done, especially considering I'll likely have to do it multiple times.

google home mini training

It's not absolutely necessary to read this section to understand the rest of the article. The connector can finally be hand-soldered to it, using a simple soldering iron. To help with the soldering process, I ordered a stencil at the same time with the Interposer PCB. The holes of the stencil are matching the NAND Flash footprint. As it must be soldered like a BGA component, I'll turn it into one by soldering tiny solder balls.

Google Home

However, you’ll first need to link your Netflix account. In terms of functionality, the Home Mini and Nest Mini are identical. They answer all the same queries and commands, and they work with all of the same devices and apps. Unlike the Home Mini, the Nest Mini comes with a built-in wall mount. It also provides better sound, with improved bass response, although the physical speakers in both devices use 40mm drivers. Nest is a company that Google purchased and folded into their own line of smart devices.

google home mini training

By completing Fundamentals, you’ll be ready to take the Educator Level 1 Certification exam. Most Nest smart displays and Wi-Fi devices have a Thread border router built in, so you won’t need a separate hub for adding Thread devices to your smart home. Matter devices connect to each other locally over your smart home network using Wi-Fi or Thread, making your devices more responsive, reliable, and secure. And Thread helps extend the overall strength, capability, and reach of your smart home. Use the activity tab to better understand what’s happening in and around your smart home. The totally redesigned app has a new five-tab layout that’s easier to navigate.

Try new features and updates.

The Nest name has subsequently been attached to various devices, including an improved version of the Google Home Mini. So the Nest Mini is essentially just a slightly more expensive, and slightly better, version of the Google Home Mini. A few weeks ago we unveiled Google Home Mini, the newest addition to the Google Home family. About the size of a donut, it has all the smarts of the Google Assistant and gives you hands-free help in any room of your house.

google home mini training

Let's start with the simplest and the easiest of them all, alarms and timers. By the time you finish this course you will be able to use Chromebook’s essential tools, tips and tricks. This knowledge will enable you to design and deliver powerful instructional experiences for your students. Learn how to use Google tools to keep students engaged while teaching remotely. Discover new ways to assess student learning, check in on student well-being, and communicate effectively with parents and guardians.

You could also control and set up Home automation solutions using the Nest Mini through the Google Home app. The Google Home Mini is ideal for two sets of people. If you've never used a smart speaker, but you want to try it out without paying for an expensive Google Home or Google Home Max, then the Home Mini is a great affordable option.

google home mini training

Check for more information on Matter-enabled devices and functionality. With Google Home, easily create helpful automations with your devices. Schedule your cameras to turn on and your doors to automatically lock at sunset. Find all your devices quickly in a simple list view. However, even considering this easy access to the entire NAND Flash data, an extended secure boot implementation makes executing arbitrary code using naive methods impossible. But, as the second part of this article will demonstrate, it remains possible.

Some RF shields have been removed to expose the components. Find out about the latest update to the Google Home platform and the totally redesigned, more personalized Google Home app. It’s 2018 and you just need to say the word and the obedient assistant will be ready with an answer. Now that we are done with the serious stuff, how about having some fun with the Google Home Mini?

google home mini training

Control it all with just a tap or two – and get to the good stuff faster. The Feed tab highlights important events in your home in one place. Here, you’ll also find ways to get more out of your devices and improve your home setup. Yes, you can control the lights on your premise, provided that the lighting fixture does have smart home capabilities. Google recommends using the Philips Hue series of bulbs and lighting solutions as the best lighting solution compatible with the Google Nest series of smart speakers. Other manufacturers that support Google Nest integration are Lifx, TP-link smart bulbs, Nanoleaf, Wiz LED, Osram Lightify, among others.

All the juicy technical data is likely protected by a NDA. This push button is not accessible without cracking the case open. Pushing it at boot time will force the bootloader to boot from the USB port of the device. However, only signed code can theoretically be executed. When available, your speaker or display will automatically update to the latest software version. With Google Home, your Nest and Matter devices work together reliably to help with your household needs.

Downtime disables most of the notifications and reduces the volume on your Nest Mini. This feature also makes the Assistant unresponsive to commands. Do note that changing the volume of an individual Nest speaker will affect every other speaker connected to the Group.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Internationales Theater Frankfurt All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go

Throughout the entire duration of its activity, the company keeps its principles the same, mainly targeting better sound and reliability. And that’s why I did a detailed top Denon receivers review in order to choose the most appropriate option. The bass power does not match the high volume of the mid and high registers. Two presets with different sound settings can be stored in the receiver’s memory. The image is cinematic quality because of IMAX support.

denon home theater

Needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

Best Premium Denon AV Receiver Reviews

The Dolby Atmos processor recreates the recorded surround sound picture in Real-time, depending on the number of speakers utilized in the system. Speaker terminals and HDMI I/O are crucial for any receiver. The number of connectors for the connection of speakers depends directly on the power of the unit.

The AVR-S660H also works with Spotify, Pandora, and Tidal, plays Hi-Res audio PSM, and decodes DSD. I heard detailed, light, and spacious sounds during the movie test. The audio of the battle scenes seemed so realistic that I almost became a spectator of the story. In terms of Hi-Fi listening, I also got more than satisfactory results. Frequencies ranging from high to low sounded nice and clear.

60Hz frequency is ubiquitous in models, but you can find 120Hz only in models with HDMI 2.1 support. However, the 8K format is only gaining popularity. This resolution has four times higher image clarity than 4K. And it needs high HDMI 2.1 bandwidth to run at 60Hz. When I started testing the unit’s capabilities with a movie, a high-definition sound stage combined with spatial effects immediately surrounded me. Each action on the screen was accompanied by sound with appropriate positioning.

denon home theater

Both technologies provide complete immersion in sound systems but achieve it in different ways. And if you want to create a multi-room space, then you need features such as HEOS or Music Cast. Apple owners should pay attention to the presence of AirPlay or AirPlay 2.

Denon AVR-2500 Home Theater Surround Sound Receiver 85w x 5 (Made In Japan)

In other words, it is the number of watts that are supplied to one channel. This is a delicate point that we must pay special attention to, as lack of power is one of the key factors that most affects the final perceived sound quality. As a result, I can say that the AVR-S660H demonstrates excellent power and dynamics for an entry-level receiver. Even if it reproduces music rather mediocre, it is in a home theater that it is possible to exploit its potential with the sound fully.

denon home theater

And, of course, the best Denon receiver cannot sound bad. The top-of-the-line AVR-X6700H comes with an 11.2-channel amplifier module. The power is 140 W/8 Ohm or 175 W/6 Ohm per channel, and I think such an impressive power will be enough to sound even a large room fully. And if you still use two different sets of speakers, then you can create a set of settings for each of them and switch between them. After minutes spent with the Audyssey MultEQ XT32 auto-calibration system and some manual fine-tuning, the Denon actively got down to business. It instantly grabbed my attention, and held it firmly for the duration of the test.

Denon S-101 Home Theater System DVD CD Player Subwoofer Z-919 ReAd

The second item to examine, in my opinion, is connection specifications. Premium models always feature a more significant number of digital and analog interfaces. For example, a few budget models are equipped with HDMI 2.1 for 8K video streaming with HDCP 2.3 protection. The same is true for wireless protocols, the more expensive the model, the newer technologies will be used there. Also, more expensive models are equipped with more different ports, making them more versatile than budget options. The sound quality is genuinely immersive due to the significant performance of 95 W at 8 Ohm or 125 W at 6 Ohm per channel.

denon home theater

Enhance the Entertainment Experience. Get 8K up and running with this easy-to-use, value-packed AVR.

I was surrounded by soft and mesmerizing music. I can summarize that Denon also excelled in music. The impression it made on me during the test is quite positive. It operates with a rich sound without unnecessary details.

Communication with external devices makes a home media center out of the receiver. The receiver setup process is unnecessarily complex. The sound of this model during testing was at a fairly high level. Separately, I was pleased with the dialogs, which took it to a new level. I assume that this was influenced by the Dialog Enhancer function to improve the dialogue sound.

8 Best Denon Receivers Review 2022 AV and Stereo

In today’s reality, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are absolutely essential. The first will enable us to use streaming services directly from the media device. The second will allow you to stream music from your mobile devices directly to the receiver. I also want to note that many new models still have analog RCA kits for connecting all kinds of equipment to the receiver.

I was surrounded by soft and mesmerizing music. I can summarize that Denon also excelled in music. The impression it made on me during the test is quite positive. It operates with a rich sound without unnecessary details.

Denon® - AV Receivers, Speakers, & More

60Hz frequency is ubiquitous in models, but you can find 120Hz only in models with HDMI 2.1 support. However, the 8K format is only gaining popularity. This resolution has four times higher image clarity than 4K. And it needs high HDMI 2.1 bandwidth to run at 60Hz. When I started testing the unit’s capabilities with a movie, a high-definition sound stage combined with spatial effects immediately surrounded me. Each action on the screen was accompanied by sound with appropriate positioning.

Enhance the Entertainment Experience. Get 8K up and running with this easy-to-use, value-packed AVR.

Best Premium Denon AV Receiver Reviews

When I listened to tracks, the X2700H also gave an excellent result. While there is a difference between CD tracks and streaming, the Denon AVR-X2700H does a pretty exciting job. It generates a dense sound “stage” in the room. However, the only drawback of this is the control of additional zones only with the help of the receiver’s UI. I would even say that the unit gives the effect of presence. It reproduces the entire frequency range well, from rich bass to squeaky high frequencies.

If you decide to play music with this 8K receiver, a useful feature of decoding Hi-Res audio files with sample rates up to 24 bits/192 kHz and DSD up to DSD128 will come in handy. All you have to do is download them over the network or via USB input. Maybe, the first feature that people look at when buying a new device. The more costly the AVR is, the more exquisite it appears to be. And this can be seen from the plastic of the front panel and other external details of the case. More expensive receivers are also distinguished by a reinforced frame, which serves as a mount for a heavy transformer.

Denon S-101 Home Theater System DVD CD Player Subwoofer Z-919 ReAd

Communication with external devices makes a home media center out of the receiver. The receiver setup process is unnecessarily complex. The sound of this model during testing was at a fairly high level. Separately, I was pleased with the dialogs, which took it to a new level. I assume that this was influenced by the Dialog Enhancer function to improve the dialogue sound.

And as usual, I started the review by watching a movie. I should note that switching from Blu-ray player to TV caused unpleasant picture jerks. The testing unit produced a delightful, clean, and understandable sound, and the dynamics and detail were impeccable. However, as I can tell, the bass could have been a little more intense.

Denon Receivers

And like most similar models, it has Dolby Vision, HDR10+, and HDCP 2.3 support on all HDMI inputs. These are the questions unsophisticated buyers have. So please read on to answer them and make an informed choice. Of course, you will not become a professional in this area, but the basic aspects will become clear to you. Dolby Atmos does not allow the soundtrack to be captured channel by channel, but instead puts the sound objects in speakers in a room, as the sound engineer intended.

denon home theater

As for connectors, one of the X3700H’s seven inputs and two of its three outputs are full HDMI 2.1 connectors with support for 8K at 60Hz and 4K at 120Hz. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews. An anaylsis tool is used to ensure best possible user experience. All resulting evaluations/statistic are anonymous.

Denon S-301 ADV-S301 Home Theater System AV Receiver UNTESTED NO CORD

The DRA-800H offers five HDMI inputs and one HDMI output supporting 60Hz Full 4K Ultra HD video resolution with support for all the latest video technologies. There is also HDMI ARC, which ensures smooth sound transmission directly from the Smart TV to the receiver via a single HDMI cable. On the back of the Denon AVR-X1600H, there are five more HDMI ports and an ARC output.

And thanks to its excellent sound quality, this receiver can be called the best stereo Denon receiver for connoisseurs of high-quality music and vinyl. The Denon AVR-X1600H is an affordable classic 7.2 receiver with surround sound capabilities. It has all the valuable features and connections and offers enough power to meet modern standards. In addition, a powerful amplifier unit provides another function that is not available to some budget receivers – this is biamping.

Needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

There is no way to control additional zones from the application. High-definition video streaming did not go smoothly, and sometimes to a complete lack of images. Virtual DTS/Atmos work creates an entire 3D sound stage.

Dialogues were quite naturally separated from the background. Denon DRA-800H is specially designed for stereo music lovers. When it comes to music, the functionality is excellent – listening to Hi-Fi on the Denon AVR-X1600H and listening to streaming music work very well. However, as soon as I increased the volume above average, distortion appeared and detail was lost. The sound is just as fantastic, crisp but less loaded with low frequencies than before.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

All Obituaries Craig Funeral Home Longview TX funeral home and cremation

Complete the form, and a funeral planning advisor will contact you right away. Honor the memory of your loved one with cemetery flower placement. Today, we are honored to preserve this important piece of Florida history on our cemetery grounds. In addition to assisting with an immediate need, Craig Flagler Palms Funeral Home specializes in working with families to make final arrangements in advance.

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Visit for information relating to the purchase of pre-need funeral contracts including descriptions of the trust and insurance funding options available under state law. Able to provide families the most value of any funeral home in the surrounding area. Search Palm Coast obituaries and condolences, hosted by Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. A wide selection of funeral flowers are available to help you honor and remember your loved one. The experienced florists can create beautiful arrangements in a variety of styles, colors, and sizes to suit your needs and preferences.

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The cemetery offers a range of burial options on pretty, peaceful grounds. Together, these sister locations allow families to handle every aspect of final arrangements in one place. The florists near Craig Funeral Home include a wonderful and diverse number of wreaths, arrangements, and baskets to help express your sympathy for the family. Get in touch with them today using the info provided above.

This expertise contributes to a meaningful funeral service that gives mourners a chance to say their last farewells. We remain committed to the health of our guests and are proud to offer remote planning consultations. Request a free quote online and you’ll be connected with a local funeral planning professional. By phone, text and email, get all of your questions answered from the comfort of your own home.

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Funerals in Flagler Beach, FL on Yahoo! Local Get Ratings & Reviews on funerals with Photos, Maps, Driving Directions and more. She attended public schools in Longview, TX and was a 1959 graduate of... On Saturday December 3, 2022, Mr. Melvin James Paris, a loving husband and father was called from his earthly labor to his heavenly reward. Melvin Paris was born November 8, 1935 to the parents of... Melvin Paris was born November 8, 1935 to the parents of Alton and Cora Bell Paris. He moved to Dallas from Palestine where he was employed at Sears & Roebuck as a Brake Specialist Mechanic.

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Whether you want to honor life or take in nature, find everything you need. Fill out the form to get your free copy of A Guide for Families Choosing Cremation and learn everything you need to know when you're shopping for a cremation. Join us by sponsoring a veterans’ wreath at a cemetery near you, volunteering or donating to a local sponsorship group. When you walk into Flagler Memorial Gardens you are stepping into history. Formerly known as Hope Cemetery, it was established 1923 and is the final resting place of several Flagler County pioneers. The cemetery was later renamed Flagler Memorial Gardens.

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That's why we offer every family we serve a 100% service guarantee. Should any detail of our service not meet the expectations as promised in our agreement, we’ll do everything we can to make it right, up to refunding that portion of the service. The red bricks that line the entrance of the cemetery were once part of the Old Brick Road, a 66-mile project completed in 1916 by St. Johns County.

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Send Flowers Send flowers or a gift to a service or family's home. Kimberly Joy Kim Weise, 54, of Palm Coast, passed away of natural causes on Sunday, June 12, 2016, at Florida Hospital of Palm Coast. She was born in Windber, Pennsylvania, daughter of Dennis and Roma Hironimus. Proceeded in death by brother Dennis Wayne Hironimus. Yes, flower arrangements are fulfilled and delivered by local florists from Palm Coast. Kiayla Jewel Deckard was born to Shanika Shaunta Deckard and Anthony Lamar Harvey on May 21, 2004 in Dallas, Texas.

Plan Ahead

The caring personnel at Craig Funeral Home provide peaceful and well-maintained grounds designed to meet the needs of every single family and to commemorate the lives of those buried on the grounds. The funeral service director will guide you through all aspects of the program; including funeral service flowers, casket choices, suitable music selection, and local accommodations. The professional, devoted staff can assist you in making memorial service agreements, funeral planning, and assist you through cremation options. The caring memorial service directors at Craig Funeral Home provide specialised funeral solutions designed to satisfy the needs of each family. The funeral director can guide you through all aspects of the program; including funeral flowers, casket choices, appropriate music selection, and local accommodations.

craig funeral home palm coast obituaries

It is a time to share memories, receive condolences and say goodbye. With over 1,900 locations, Dignity Memorial providers proudly serve over 375,000 families a year. Pre-plan today to protect the people you love and receive low interest on prepaid cremation property and burial plans when paid in full within 60 months.

Our team encourages personalization and can design a truly special service, including a catered reception before or after a service. To send a flower arrangement or to plant trees in memory ofMay E. Craig, please click here to visit our Sympathy Store.

craig funeral home palm coast obituaries

David attended school in Longview Independent School District where he graduated High School in 1978. On Sunday, November 27, 2022, the husband, father, grandfather, community leader, mentor, visionary, leader, servant and pastor of the Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church of Scottsville, Texas for 4... Ethel Nell Frazier was born June 23, 1941 to the parentage of John C. She attended public schools in Longview, TX and was a 1959 graduate of Longview Negro High School.

Send care of Craig Funeral Home

The original mausoleum, the Memory Mausoleum, and the three newer mausoleums have covered breezeways that can be set with chairs. The open areas within the mausoleums can also be used for committal services. Two of our community mausoleums have cremation niches. All of the niches are companion niches, which means they are big enough for two urns.

Events Throughout the year, our funeral home staff participates in special events, such as hospice walks, educational programs, military tributes, and so much more. Our Palm Coast funeral home offers Flagler County area families the caring respect and attention to detail we at Lohman are known for. Traditionally-furnished, Lohman Funeral Home Palm Coast has a comfortable seating area and a bright and accommodating chapel. Yes, simply click “Add a photo” located underneath the main photo of the obituary then upload the photos/videos you wish to share. Thursday at Emerald Coast Funeral Home in Fort Walton Beach.

Explore venues, cemetery and cremation property, personalized catering options, and our collection of urns and caskets. If you choose aboveground burial, our mausoleums offer crypts for just one person or crypts for two. Mausoleum crypts have light pink granite fronts with bronze nameplates and vases for flowers.

craig funeral home palm coast obituaries

225 Saint Joe Plaza Dr Palm Coast, Florida about funeral arrangements, regardless of their intent to purchase funeral services or not. Pre-planning lets your loved ones focus on honoring life instead of hashing out details. Learn the choices you can make now, so a future funeral becomes more of a celebration than a burden. As Dignity Memorial® providers, Craig Flagler Palms Funeral Home and Flagler Memorial Gardens deliver compassionate care, personalized service and exceptional customer satisfaction. We invite you to come to tour the funeral home and cemetery. The 13-acre Flagler Memorial Gardens is one of the older cemeteries in Flagler County and the only perpetual care cemetery in the area.

St Augustine, FL

When you plan ahead, you relieve your family from financial and emotional burdens while ensuring your wishes are met. We offer in-person and virtual consultations, as well as a free Personal Planning Guide. A funeral with your loved one present, followed by cremation. A cremation without a funeral or memorial service of any kind. All of our chapels have comfortable, overstuffed furniture and simple decor, which makes them easy to customize with photos, mementos and personally meaningful items.

Craig Flagler Palms Funeral Home has a crematory on the property, and should you wish for a witness cremation, we can accommodate that. Craig Funeral Home provides funeral and cremation services to families of Palm Coast, Florida and the surrounding area. A licensed funeral director will assist you in making the proper funeral arrangements for your loved one.

Other Resources

Our team is familiar with many different funeral traditions and customs and speaks English and Spanish. May E. Craig, 90, of Ormond Beach and former resident of Palm Coast, Florida, passed away on January 3, 2019 at her residence in Ormond Beach, Florida. She was born on May 3, 1928 in Freetown, Sierra Leone to the late William and Maude Campbell. Survivors include her nephew, Wilben Short and her niece, Janet Hamilton. Condolences may be shared with the family here on our online guestbook.

Simply browse the Palm Coast’s obituaries listing you can find on this page or conduct a search on the web site with your loved one’s name. Prepare a personalized obituary for someone you loved.. A funeral can be one of the most expensive and difficult purchases one may ever have to make. Having little to no knowledge of the industry, coupled with the added time pressure and emotional duress a person could easily be fooled and taken advantage of. FloristOne offers same day delivery from local florists.

Flagler Memorial Gardens

Flagler Memorial Gardens is a nondenominational cemetery, but we have several sections set aside for members of certain faiths. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saint Augustine has blessed the cemetery, and there is a section for Catholic families called Sacred Heart. Garden of Peace was developed with the Temple Beth Shalom but is open to any member of the Jewish faith. View Pricing See costs for a variety of products and services.

craig funeral home palm coast obituaries

The road was part of the original Dixie Highway, which stretched from Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan, to Miami Beach, Florida. In the 1920s and 1930s, the road fell into disrepair as the new Dixie Highway was built. The bricks themselves were used to build schools, homes, fireplaces and patios. The exception is the Garden of Love, which has double-depth (two-person) plots. Upright monuments are allowed in some sections of the cemetery; others allow only flat bronze markers.

Memorial Service

We consider our grounds to be a beautiful place to celebrate life. Whether you’re attending a service, visiting a memorial or finding peace in nature, we welcome you. Services available to create a tribute video for the service or obituary from photos and videos. Committal services are often held in one of the four mausoleums on the cemetery property.

craig funeral home palm coast obituaries

Trust is their top concern and so they specialize in custom funerals, basic cremation, grief support, urn selection, and military burial services including offering veteran burial flags. The professional, dedicated staff can assist you in making memorial service service plans, funeral arranging, and talk you through cremation choices. In case you are interested in preplanning your funeral service, you can be sure your legacy will be shielded and that you may have peace of mind. In case you are interested in preplanning your funeral service, you can be sure your legacy will be shielded and that you can easily have peace of mind. With the sandy shoreline of Flagler Beach only a short drive away, Craig Flagler Palms Funeral Home sits on the grounds of Flagler Memorial Gardens. The funeral home provides funeral and cremation memorials that are unique and personalized.

If you prefer an aboveground burial option that’s more personalized, you can work with one of our designers to build a private family or individual mausoleum. Craig Flagler Palms Funeral Home is honored to provide veterans with funerals befitting their service to our country. Our team is well-versed in military funeral honors and the burial benefits offered by the U.S. We can walk you through the requirements and ensure your veteran has a most dignified memorial. Visit this link to create a free obituary then read the advantages of creating an obituary on Echovita and either click “Start now” or “Create an obituary for your loved” to begin.

craig funeral home palm coast obituaries

Pre-plan today to protect the people you love and receive up to 10% off prepaid cemetery and cremation property. Leave a memory or share a photo or video below to show your support. Fill out the form and get your free copy of the Guide to Understanding Cremation. Learn the three simple steps to cremation planning and find out how to plan a personalized memorial service.

Helping yourself at your time of loss

This combination allows us to provide the best possible experience for our families during their time of need. Craig Flagler Palms Funeral Home hosts several events during the year. The All Souls' Day service is produced with the local Catholic church. On the first Sunday of December, we host a candlelight holiday memorial. We work with nondenominational clergy, and about 500 people come to decorate a holiday tree with ornaments families have given us to honor their loved ones. The funeral service is an important point of closure for those who have suffered a recent loss, often marking just the beginning of collective mourning.

craig funeral home palm coast obituaries

Complete the form, and a funeral planning advisor will contact you right away. Honor the memory of your loved one with cemetery flower placement. Today, we are honored to preserve this important piece of Florida history on our cemetery grounds. In addition to assisting with an immediate need, Craig Flagler Palms Funeral Home specializes in working with families to make final arrangements in advance.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Nursing home survey performance tool

This page provides basic information about being certified as a Medicare and/or Medicaid nursing home provider and includes links to applicable laws, regulations, and compliance information. Since March 4, CMS and its network of state-based inspectors have conducted over 8,300 surveys with the results of a total of 5,700 available today. The results of the completed surveys and the reports are available on Nursing Home Compare. CMS plans to post the results of the inspections monthly on an ongoing basis as they are completed. The data released today shows that as of May 31, 2020, about 13,600 nursing homes – approximately 88 percent of the 15,400 Medicare and Medicaid nursing homes – had reported the required data to the . These facilities reported over 95,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases and almost 32,000 deaths.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has the authority to impose civil money penalties in nursing homes participating in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. The fines for these facilities can be obtained through a freedom of information request at Freedom of Information Act Request Service Center. The nursing home inspection information can be accessed at Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services at Nursing Home Compare. Information is also available on the Nursing Home Quality Initiative.

Connect with CMS

There are necessary regulatory delays between when a nursing home is inspected and when fines or findings from the inspection will appear on this web site. Therefore, when visiting a nursing home, we encourage you to request copies of more recent inspection results. An Initial is a survey for initial Medicare/Medicaid certification survey of Skilled Nursing Facilities or Nursing Facilities in order to participate in the Medicare/Medicaid programs.

Points are assigned based on the scope and severity of the deficiency. In order to calculate the Nursing Home Survey Star Rating, the points from the past 3 survey cycles are totaled, weighted, and compared against all the other homes in a given state. Skilled nursing facilities and nursing facilities are required to be in compliance with the requirements in 42 CFR Part 483, Subpart B, to receive payment under the Medicare or Medicaid programs. To certify a SNF or NF, a state surveyor completes at least a Life Safety Code survey, and a Standard Survey. You can use this to learn more about the quality of care provided by Massachusetts nursing homes. The survey protocols and interpretive guidelines serve to clarify and/or explain the intent of the regulations.

for About the Surveys

All surveyors are required to use them in assessing compliance with Federal requirements. Deficiencies are based on violations of the regulations, which are to be based on observations of the nursing home’s performance or practices. Below in the downloads section, we also provide you related nursing home reports, compendia, and the list of special focus facilities (i.e., nursing homes with a record of poor survey performance on which CMS focuses extra attention). Medication in an adult care home may be administered by designated, trained staff. Smaller adult care homes that provide care to two to six unrelated residents are commonly called family care homes. The CMS regional office determines a facility’s eligibility to participate in the Medicare program based on the State’s certification of compliance and a facility’s compliance with civil rights requirements.

CMS has recently added new guidelines for facilities with a history of severe Abuse deficiencies. Facilities with this designation are capped at 2 Stars for the Survey Rating, no matter how much higher they may have been. The weighted scores are then added together to create the Weighted Survey Score.

Other Nursing Home related data and reports can be found in the downloads section below.

When choosing a nursing home, review the survey findings to help you make an informed choice when considering a nursing home. However, it is important to use more than one piece of information to make the decision of which nursing home is right for the care of a family member or friend. Consumers should use this survey findings information as an aid to - not a substitute for - an in person visit to the nursing home under consideration. Visits to nursing facilities being considered and discussion with friends, family and staff members prior to deciding which facility will best meet your needs are essential.

The Division inspects nursing homes at least every 9-15 months to assess compliance with federal standards of care. This includes adequacy of staffing, quality of care, and cleanliness of facilities. Also, as necessary, we investigate complaints and serious incidents occurring within nursing homes.


The goal of inspections is to assess how well the nursing home complies with applicable laws and regulations affecting the quality of care provided. Inspections are typically conducted on an annual basis and when the State receives complaints. Inspections conducted on an annual basis typically last four days. Complaint inspections may last one or more days depending upon the number of allegations and what surveyors find during the course of the inspection. CMS has posted publicly available training for nursing home surveyors and providers in theQuality, Safety, and Education Portal that explains the updates and changes of the regulations and guidance. Search the Training Catalog for "Long Term Care Regulatory and Interpretive Guidance and Psychosocial Severity Guide Updates – June 2022." This portal is free to use, but registration is required.

cms survey results for nursing homes

This plan of correction must include information on how and when the problem was corrected, as well as how it will be prevented in the future. Facilities have the right to informally appeal any deficiencies found during a survey through an informal dispute resolution process. For nursing homes, months will typically pass between inspections and much could change for the better or worse in a facility between inspections. Therefore, it is advised that you inspect the facility yourself before making such an important decision. Nursing homes are for people who need chronic or rehabilitative care, who, on admission are not acutely ill and who do not usually require special facilities such as an operating room, X ray facilities, laboratory facilities, and obstetrical facilities.

CMS Releases Nursing Home Survey Guidance for Phase 3 Requirements

A nursing home provides care for people who have remedial ailments or other ailments, for which medical and nursing care are indicated; who, however, are not sick enough to require general hospital care. Nursing care is their primary need, but they will require continuing medical supervision. A Recertification/Complaint is when the annual Recertification survey and one or more Complaint surveys are conducted at the same time.

In addition to this, nursing homes are required to report COVID-19 cases and deaths directly to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and today CMS is making this data publicly available. As part of today’s announcement CMS is also posting the results from the targeted inspections announced on March 4, 2020, to allow inspectors to focus on the most serious health and safety threats like infectious diseases and abuse during the pandemic. This is part of the Trump Administration’s historic transparency efforts to ensure residents, families and the general public have information about COVID-19 in nursing homes.

A Guide to the CMS Nursing Home Survey Star Rating

When choosing a nursing home, review the survey findings to help you make an informed choice when considering a nursing home. However, it is important to use more than one piece of information to make the decision of which nursing home is right for the care of a family member or friend. Consumers should use this survey findings information as an aid to - not a substitute for - an in person visit to the nursing home under consideration. Visits to nursing facilities being considered and discussion with friends, family and staff members prior to deciding which facility will best meet your needs are essential.

cms survey results for nursing homes

Only those facilities that participate in Medicare and Medicaid are included on the Survey Performance Tool and Nursing Home Compare. Sign up to get the latest information about your choice of CMS topics in your inbox. Memorandumto State Survey Agency directors providing more details on the new reporting requirements of the Interim Final Rule. main menu

This page provides basic information about being certified as a Medicare and/or Medicaid nursing home provider and includes links to applicable laws, regulations, and compliance information. Since March 4, CMS and its network of state-based inspectors have conducted over 8,300 surveys with the results of a total of 5,700 available today. The results of the completed surveys and the reports are available on Nursing Home Compare. CMS plans to post the results of the inspections monthly on an ongoing basis as they are completed. The data released today shows that as of May 31, 2020, about 13,600 nursing homes – approximately 88 percent of the 15,400 Medicare and Medicaid nursing homes – had reported the required data to the . These facilities reported over 95,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases and almost 32,000 deaths.

cms survey results for nursing homes

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has the authority to impose civil money penalties in nursing homes participating in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. The fines for these facilities can be obtained through a freedom of information request at Freedom of Information Act Request Service Center. The nursing home inspection information can be accessed at Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services at Nursing Home Compare. Information is also available on the Nursing Home Quality Initiative.

National Nursing Assistant Survey

This plan of correction must include information on how and when the problem was corrected, as well as how it will be prevented in the future. Facilities have the right to informally appeal any deficiencies found during a survey through an informal dispute resolution process. For nursing homes, months will typically pass between inspections and much could change for the better or worse in a facility between inspections. Therefore, it is advised that you inspect the facility yourself before making such an important decision. Nursing homes are for people who need chronic or rehabilitative care, who, on admission are not acutely ill and who do not usually require special facilities such as an operating room, X ray facilities, laboratory facilities, and obstetrical facilities.

In addition to this, nursing homes are required to report COVID-19 cases and deaths directly to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and today CMS is making this data publicly available. As part of today’s announcement CMS is also posting the results from the targeted inspections announced on March 4, 2020, to allow inspectors to focus on the most serious health and safety threats like infectious diseases and abuse during the pandemic. This is part of the Trump Administration’s historic transparency efforts to ensure residents, families and the general public have information about COVID-19 in nursing homes.

About the Surveys

The first national probability survey of nursing assistants working in nursing homes in the United States. Guidancefor state and local officials on the reopening of nursing homes. Announceda suspension of routine inspections, and an exclusive focus on immediate jeopardy situations and infection control inspections. A survey report is sent to the nursing home after each survey and at the top of the report it will be noted if complaint allegations were investigated with the survey.

cms survey results for nursing homes

A Complaint is a survey to investigate allegations and reported incidents to protect Medicare/Medicaid beneficiaries from abuse, neglect, exploitation, inadequate care or supervision. The CCN is a unique identifying number that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services assigns to participating providers. The top performing 10% of facilities in the state receive a rating of5 Stars.

A nursing home provides care for people who have remedial ailments or other ailments, for which medical and nursing care are indicated; who, however, are not sick enough to require general hospital care. Nursing care is their primary need, but they will require continuing medical supervision. A Recertification/Complaint is when the annual Recertification survey and one or more Complaint surveys are conducted at the same time.

There are necessary regulatory delays between when a nursing home is inspected and when fines or findings from the inspection will appear on this web site. Therefore, when visiting a nursing home, we encourage you to request copies of more recent inspection results. An Initial is a survey for initial Medicare/Medicaid certification survey of Skilled Nursing Facilities or Nursing Facilities in order to participate in the Medicare/Medicaid programs.

CMS & HHS Websites

When viewing a home's report, click on theScope and Severitylink, then theScoring Methodologylink to see how scores are calculated. Announcedthat hospitals, laboratories, and other entities can perform tests for COVID-19 on people at home and in other community-based settings outside of the hospital – including nursing homes. Industry professionals know that healthcare is a local business, and that sometimes means comparing homes across state lines. But it’s important to remember that Nursing Home Survey Star Rating results always need to be considered only in the context of their own state, not their region. The middle 70% of facilities receive2, 3 or 4 Stars, with an equal number (approx 23.33%) in each category.

cms survey results for nursing homes

CMS has recently added new guidelines for facilities with a history of severe Abuse deficiencies. Facilities with this designation are capped at 2 Stars for the Survey Rating, no matter how much higher they may have been. The weighted scores are then added together to create the Weighted Survey Score.

Nursing Home Survey Star Rating

The Division inspects nursing homes at least every 9-15 months to assess compliance with federal standards of care. This includes adequacy of staffing, quality of care, and cleanliness of facilities. Also, as necessary, we investigate complaints and serious incidents occurring within nursing homes.

Call to actionfor nursing homes and state and local governments reinforcing infection control responsibilities and urging leaders to work closely with nursing homes on access to testing and PPE. The third document is the actual detailed survey findings on the left side of the page and the facility's plan of correction on the right side of the document. The second document is the cover letter sent to the nursing home summarizing the survey findings, enforcement remedies, and time frames for correcting concerns. If standards are not met, then the nursing home must submit a plan of correction to MDH.


The surveys and complaint investigations evaluate the quality of care and services provided, as well as the appropriateness of the facility's building, equipment, staffing, policies, procedures and finances. They are a snapshot of the facility's performance at the point in time when the survey is conducted. Complaints are an allegation of non-compliance and are prioritized for investigation based on seriousness. The State has the responsibility for certifying a skilled nursing facility’s or nursing facility’s compliance or noncompliance, except in the case of State-operated facilities.

The goal of inspections is to assess how well the nursing home complies with applicable laws and regulations affecting the quality of care provided. Inspections are typically conducted on an annual basis and when the State receives complaints. Inspections conducted on an annual basis typically last four days. Complaint inspections may last one or more days depending upon the number of allegations and what surveyors find during the course of the inspection. CMS has posted publicly available training for nursing home surveyors and providers in theQuality, Safety, and Education Portal that explains the updates and changes of the regulations and guidance. Search the Training Catalog for "Long Term Care Regulatory and Interpretive Guidance and Psychosocial Severity Guide Updates – June 2022." This portal is free to use, but registration is required.

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